Sunday, July 23, 2006

Go To Harvard For Free!

Harvard Financial Aid Initiative

"Our doors have long been open to talented students regardless of financial need but many students simply do not know or believe this. We are determined to change both the perception and the reality."
- President L.H. Summers

The Harvard Financial Aid Initiative (HFAI), announced by university President Lawrence Summers in March 2004, aims to reduce economic barriers to attending Harvard College by significantly expanding financial aid benefits to low and moderate income families. Students have long been admitted to Harvard regardless of their family's financial circumstances. They are chosen on the basis of their outstanding academics extracurricular, and personal qualities, with the hope that they will bring to Harvard the widest possible diversity of life experiences and intellectual perspectives.

Beginning in 2006, parents in families with incomes of less than $60,000 will no longer be expected to contribute to the cost of attending Harvard for their children including room and board. In addition, Harvard will reduce the contributions expected of families with incomes between $60,000 and $80,000.

There is no separate application process for the HFAI. Interested students, including transfers and international students, should instead apply to Harvard through the regular application process by the established deadlines, filling out all applicable financial aid forms. While there is an application fee, waivers are easily available upon request. Harvard College considers students for admission without regard to their ability to pay, guaranteeing to meet the full financial need of every student who qualifies for aid. Accepted students who qualify under the new initiative will therefore automatically benefit should they choose to attend Harvard. Further information on applying to Harvard College can be found at the admissions office website.

Should you have any questions about the Harvard Financial Aid Initiative, ten student coordinators are available to assist potential applicants during the academic year. They are prepared to describe and explain not only basic financial aid policy and practice, but also to discuss more general aspects of student life at Harvard College. Office hours are maintained throughout the academic year, beginning in late September and ending in late May. The telephone number is 617-384-8213.

NEW! Shoestring Strategies for Life at Harvard is a guidebook intended to help students save money and take advantage of all the resources that Harvard has to offer. You can browse through it page-by-page or use the links in the table of contents to skip to specific sections.



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