Friday, January 12, 2007

Bank of America Student Leaders Internship

Bank of America is offering 5 future community leaders an opportunity to learn about banking as part of a rigorous internship and leadership development program. The goal of the program is allow students to experience first-hand how they can help shape communities now and in the future. Past participants have gone on to further their educational and career goals so that they can continue to improve themselves and their communities.

While participating in the program students will be mentored by bankers and other Bank of America staff, and participate in community service activities alongside local Bank of America executives. The program is available to students in each of Bank of America's 44 markets. The internship is paid.

To be considered as a student leader, you must:
Be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident
Currently be a junior or senior in high school (or UK equivalent)
Be in good standing at your high school
Be able to participate in a series of leadership activities arranged by Bank of America (summer 2007)
Be able to participate in an 8-week (35-hours per week), paid internship at a local nonprofit/charitable organization

Applications are being accepted January 2-March 9, 2007. Students may nominate themselves, or have someone else nominate them. Letters of recommendation should be included with your application (Have recommenders email them to you).

Apply online!


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